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Nuvoton Releases Plan to Launch Mass Production of New Industrial BM-ICs

Feb 21, 2025


KYOTO,Japan,Feb. 20,2025 -- Nuvoton Technology Corporation Japan (NTCJ) has developed new industrial 17-cell BM-ICs "KA49701A" and "KA49702A" for 48V batteries. Mass production will start from April 2025. These products enhance the safety of battery systems and ensure simple safe system construction.

Image: https://cdn.kyodonewsprwire.jp/prwfile/release/M108245/202502124110/_prw_PI1fl_tJjts0mQ.png

1. The battery monitoring ICs play a role in ensuring the system operates safely during anomalies such as overcharging or over-discharging of the battery. However,if the main circuits performing cell voltage measurements such as the AD converter or multiplexer of the BM-IC fail,it needs to ensure system safety with external protection circuits,but this increases board area and system cost. The major internal circuits of this product are equipped with diagnostic and fail-safe functions. This diagnostic function can detect main circuit failures and control the cut-off switch,achieving both enhanced BMS safety and reduced system cost.

Figure (English): https://cdn.kyodonewsprwire.jp/prwfile/release/M108245/202502124110/_prw_PI2fl_4z4nlNQ9.png

Figure (Simplified Chinese): https://cdn.kyodonewsprwire.jp/prwfile/release/M108245/202502124110/_prw_PI3fl_EmXC0o1F.png

Figure (Traditional Chinese): https://cdn.kyodonewsprwire.jp/prwfile/release/M108245/202502124110/_prw_PI4fl_ins2617Q.png

2. By reducing noise levels on the 16-bit AD converter and incorporating a digital filter,NTCJ has achieved industry-leading voltage measurement accuracy of +/-2.9mV (*1). By improving voltage measurement accuracy,maximum battery capacity can be used. Furthermore,precise voltage measurement has been achieved over a wide temperature range. It is also suitable for applications requiring high voltage measurement accuracy in cold and hot environments,such as stationary battery systems compliant with the relevant Chinese national standard (*2).

(*1) According to a survey by Nuvoton in the industrial BM-IC field as of February 2025.

(*2) GB/T34131-2023,within the system +/-5mV @-20C to 65C.

3. By shortening the cell voltage measurement time,which has high power consumption,operating current has been achieved at 260 microampere,less than 1/10th of NTCJ's previous standards. This enables long battery drive times. Also,optimization of the circuit design has reduced shutdown current consumption to 0.1 microampere or less. Using NTCJ's IC,self-discharge can be minimized,preventing deterioration due to over-discharge when LIBs are transported over long distances and stored long-term.

For more details about the product,please visit: https://www.nuvoton.com/products/battery-management/battery-monitoring-ics/non-stackable/

About Nuvoton Technology Corporation Japan: https://www.nuvoton.co.jp/en/

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