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U.S. Institute of Peace Announces Visaka Dharmadasa the Fifth Annual Women Building Peace Award Laureate

Feb 28, 2025


WASHINGTON,Feb. 27,2025 -- The U.S. Institute of Peace (USIP) is honored to announce Visaka Dharmadasaof Sri Lanka as the Fifth Annual Laureate of USIP's Women Building Peace Award.

This international award,which is given annually,honors women of extraordinary commitment,leadership and impact who are working to resolve violent conflict and build peace in their communities.

"Visaka is a woman of courage and tenacity," said Ambassador George Moose,USIP's Acting President and CEO. "As someone who has worked as a peacebuilder for over three decades,she has demonstrated an unwavering commitment to peace in the face of extreme difficulties."

USIP's Women Building Peace Council,comprised of distinguished experts and advisers,selected the Laureate and two Finalists,Lilly BeSoerof Papua New Guinea and Mairo Mandaraof Nigeria. The three women were selected from over 170 nominations received from 52 countries.

"In Sri Lanka,where conflict has been fueled by societal divisions,Visaka's work is a testament to the power of mediation and compassion," said Council Co-Chairs Marcia Carlucci and Megan Beyer.

Visaka Dharmadasa is the chair and chief operations officer of the Association of War Affected Women,an organization that facilitates cross-community dialogues and educates soldiers and community leaders about international standards for the conduct of war. In the midst of Sri Lanka's civil war,after her son,a young military officer,was reported missing in action,Visaka established Parents of Servicemen Missing in Action as a mechanism for families to investigate the fate of loved ones who had been reported as missing.

Today,Visaka Dharmadasa's organization empowers Sri Lankan women and prepares them for leadership opportunities in their communities and in local government.

For information on USIP's Women Building Peace Award,visit www.usip.org/womenbuildingpeace

For information on USIP,visit: https://www.usip.org/about

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